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Tax Planning

Client Centered

Our philosophy around tax law is simple: control what you can control.

Financial decisions have financial consequences. Although we can’t control the IRS tax code, we definitely can knowingly respond to it. Our job is to help in guiding you through informed decisions… so that those consequences work out in your favor. Through planning we can help you see answers to the complex questions.

We acknowledge that our tax services are not needed in every situation. Modern software technology could enable most who are reading this to complete the task of preparing an income tax return. The simple data entry of some returns doesn’t merit our fee. However, our experience and knowledge are applied to bring value. Advising whether and how you should be utilizing the traditional or Roth options in a 401k, how to prepare for business deductions, and especially how to structure retirement distributions is something we excel at.

This site includes a section listing several common scenarios where we often help. I invite you to explore those stories to see if we are what you’re looking for.

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